Tag Archives: Korea

KGM TORRES ICE: an SUV to get people talking

IT might spark a bit of a love-hate ‘marmite’ moment, but there’s no denying the KGM Torres gets people talking.

Park it in the golf club car park and pretty soon you can see the surreptitious glances and before long there are people sidling up to take a closer look. Continue reading

GENESIS GV60 AWD SPORT PLUS: giggle inducing performance

JUST about anything that takes the stress out of car ownership has to be a serious consideration – and the concierge service offered to Genesis owners is just that.

No longer the need to worry when the next service is due – every customer gets their own on-call personal assistant to take you through the ownership experience. And when it comes to service time, they’ll arrange to pick it up, do the necessary and then pop it back to you. Fully valeted too. Continue reading

GENESIS G70: a brand new brand for premium buyers

MANY have tried, some have failed miserably, but the lucrative premium new car market has a new contender.

Genesis, a luxury offshoot of Hyundai, has lined up a range of decent looking vehicles to try and wrest sales from the likes of Audi, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, the acknowledged market leaders.

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